Python is a high-level interpreted programming language with dynamic semantics and object-oriented programming that is simple to learn and use. It’s a scripting language similar to Perl/Ruby that can also work to create web apps. The ECMAScript language specification defined the object-oriented programming language Java-Script. So, it allows you to construct dynamic web pages. Object-oriented, functional, and imperative programming are all supported by Java-Script. But, procedural programming is not.
We’ll compare and contrast Python and JavaScript in this article. But, before we go into the differences, let’s look at each of them, as in “What is JavaScript?” and “What is Python?” To begin, we’ll look at Python:
What is Python?
Python is a high-abstraction object-oriented programming language. It has data structures built-in, as well as dynamic binding and type. Thus, making it an excellent choice for quick application development.
Modules and packages also get support from it. So, allowing for system modularity and code reuse. Because it takes a few lines of code, it is one of the quickest programming languages. It emphasizes readability and simplicity, making it a good choice for beginners. The major differences between both of them as listed below.
What is JavaScript?
The programming language JavaScript is for creating dynamic web pages. It adheres to client-side programming principles. So, it operates in the user’s web browser without requiring any resources from the webserver.
Other technologies, such as REST APIs, XML, and others, can work well with JavaScript. JavaScript now includes technologies like Node.js.
Python’s features
It’s easy to pick up, read, and remember.
It can operate on a variety of hardware systems and has a consistent user interface.
Low-level modules can load into the interpreter.
Its structure and support are excellent for big projects.
Also, it has built-in support for garbage collection.
It enables interactive testing and troubleshooting.
It contains high-level dynamic data types and supports dynamic type checking.
The programming language is useful in conjunction with Java, C, and C++ code.
Goroutines provide simple concurrency support.
Compilation times are quick
Binaries that are statically linked and easy to deploy.
JavaScript’s features
The following are some of JavaScript’s most essential features:
It’s a cross-platform language with a lot of client-side and server-side applications.
Workflow for Good Testing
It’s simple to get started with and learn.
Increases your reliance.
JavaScript vs. Python
The list below shows the differences between both.
We’ll receive it when we install Python. Also, we’ll use different versions depending on our setup.
We didn’t have an integrated REPL for Java-Script because it was mostly used in a browser. But, by installing node.js, we may use REPL.
Set and list are mutable and immutable data types in it.
Java-Script, but, has no concept of mutable and immutable variables.
Unless we say otherwise, Python’s source code is ASCII by default.
Java-Script, but, scan encodes in UTF-16. Hence, it has no built-in functionality for handling raw bytes.
Different numeric types exist in Python, such as int, float, fixed-point decimal, and so on.
Java-Script, so, has limited up to floating-point numbers.
Hash Tables
Python includes built-in hash tables. E.g., dictionaries, sets, and others that use to store keys and values in a hash.
Java-Script, so, has no built-in support for hash tables.
Code Blocks
you can use Indentation in Python, whereas JS has curly brackets present in it.
Functions arguments
When a function gets a call with invalid parameters. So, Python throws an error and accepts some extra parameter passing syntax.
JS doesn’t mind if functions aren’t called with precise parameters. Since any missing parameter is set to “undefined” by default. Also, any extra arguments act as special arguments.
Data Types
Python contains two data types that are comparable to each other: list and tuple. The list in it and the array in Java-Script are quite similar.
There is a built-in array type in JS.
Attributes and Properties
We can use getter and setter methods to define an attribute in Python utilizing the descriptor protocol.
Java-Script objects, but, contain properties that consist of underlying attributes. So, it allows you to create a property.
Python bills itself as a “batteries included” language. Since it includes a large number of modules.
Java-Script, but, comes with only a few modules. E.g., date, arithmetic, regexp, and JSON. Also, its capability is available through the host environment. For example, a web browser or another environment.
JavaScript Applications
The following are some of the most common JS apps.
It enables you to create scalable and secure apps.
Single-Page Dynamic Applications (SPAs)
JavaScript is useful in front-end technologies. E.g., jQuery, AngularJS, Ember.js, and React JS. Also, server-side technologies such as MongoDB, Node.js, and Express.js.
It can create mobile apps using React, Phone Gap, and other frameworks.
Python Applications
The following are some of its most useful applications:
AI,ML,DL languages
Web scripting for rapid prototyping
Scientific applications ad hoc programming
Processing of XML
Applications that use databases
Used in graphical user interface applications.
Python’s Advantages
Some of the benefits of utilizing it are as follows:
It is an object-oriented programming language with a lot of skill.
It has a beautiful syntax that makes it easier to read the programs you create.
Comes with a big standard library that allows it to handle a wide range of programming tasks.
Runs on a variety of machines and operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS X, Unix, OS/2, and others.
In comparison to Java, C, and C++, the syntax is quite easy.
For developers, there is a large library and many useful tools.
Further, comes with its built-in shell.
Code is simple to develop and debug when compared to other languages’ programs. As a result, maintaining its source code is quite simple.
It is a portable programming language. So, it runs on a broad range of operating systems and platforms.
Python has a large number of pre-built libraries that make development a joy.
Makes complicated programming easier to understand. Garbage collection is necessary since it interacts with internal memory addresses.
It has an interactive shell. It allows you to test your ideas before putting them into practice.
All major commercial DBMS systems include database interfaces.
JavaScript’s Advantages
The advantages of utilizing JavaScript describes below.
It’s a free and open-source initiative.
Small scripts will enjoy this tool, which was created only for them.
Classes, interfaces, and modules are all supported.
It compiles JS which will execute in any browser.
Cross-compilation is possible.
On both the client and server sides, the JavaScript programming language is useful. This implies that this language is useful in a wide range of apps, from web browsers to powerful servers.
JavaScript has an active sizable community that supports it.
You can use JavaScript to create big apps by extending them.
JavaScript is to save and retrieve data from a user’s machine.
It offers visitors quick feedback.
It enables you to design user interfaces that respond to mouse hovers.
Finally, this article provides an overview of Python and JavaScript. I hope you have learned at least a few things as a result of reading it. There isn’t much of a distinction between both of them. Because both shares features like scoped, object-oriented, functional, and imperative programming. So, you achieve anything with them. Also, if a language lacks functionality. So, we have existing libraries and extensions to help us get what we need.
I hoped you would have a better knowledge of these languages as a result of our discussion. If you want to recommend which one to learn, I would choose Python. Because it has a large market in the IT sector and is simple to learn.
Enroll in Python Online Training at IT Guru to know more.