Understand the difference between Java and Python in 2021

bhanu sri
5 min readAug 30, 2021


What is Java?

Many programmers are familiar with Java, an object-oriented language with a C/C++-like syntax. It’s dynamically linked, so you can download and run new code, but it’s not dynamically typed.

What is Python?

Python is the elder of the two languages, having been published in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. He is the creator of this language. It is a high-level language that is legible, efficient, and powerful, with automated memory management. It is very famous for its various operating systems. Python can use not just for web development but also in a variety of areas such as AI, deep learning, and the Internet of Things. Also, sectors like travel, healthcare, transportation, and finance, etc.

Several world-class software firms use Python. It includes Google, Intel, Microsoft, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

Why choose Java?

The following are some of the advantages and disadvantages of it:

• It has a broad assortment of 3rd party libraries

• Comprehensive documentation is accessible.

• It lets you create standard applications and reusable code

• Outstanding performance

• It has a big pool of competent developers.

• Libraries that are simple to navigate

• It’s a multi-threaded environment that allows you to run many programs at the same time.

Why Python?

• Used for Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and the AI area.

• Has a very easy syntax compared to Java, C, and C++. Very handy for data display and analysis.

• Developers get access to a large library and useful tools.

• The language is cross-platform also.

• It comes with a built-in shell.

• Code is simple to develop and debug when compared to other languages’ code. As a result, maintaining its source code is quite simple.

• This is also a portable language. So, it can operate on a broad range of operating systems and platforms

• It provides database interfaces to all major commercial DBMS systems.

• Allows imperative and functional programming to coexist.

• Python is well-known for its application in the Internet of Things.

• It makes complicated programming easier to understand. Also, it provides an interactive shell that allows you to test things before they can implement. As it deals with memory locations and garbage collection.

Which is more beneficial, Java or Python?


Because Java is a compiled language, it is quicker than Python speed. The execution of a code takes less time.

Python is an interpreted language that decides the type of data at runtime. Hence, it runs slower in comparison to other programming languages.


Java legacy systems are usually larger and more many than Python legacy systems. Due to business heritage and slightly more verbose development style.

This language also has fewer legacy issues. So, making it more difficult for organizations to copy and paste codes, giving it a minor advantage over other languages.

Another confusion that appears while discussing the two languages is which is simpler between them.


In comparison to Python, Java is quite verbose. It involves reading from a file that requires ten lines of code.

Python requires two lines of code. Python becomes a more appealing language as a result of this.

Practical Agility

Because of its static type system and the ubiquity of IDEs in development. Java has more consistent refactoring help than other languages. For mobile and online apps, it is more popular.

Python has long had a presence in the talent area. Also, it is often regarded as the best language for Machine Learning, AI, IoT, and many other apps.


Java remains the most popular programming language by almost every metric, despite not being as fashionable as it once was. Python, but, has had phenomenal development, particularly in industrial, high-income nations. Developer productivity, language flexibility, library support, community support, and simplicity of learning are all factors in this phenomenal development.


Both execute on virtual machines after compilation into bytecode. As a result, both languages are cross-platform, with no variations in operating systems. Although they appear to function so, there is a significant difference between them.

The grammar defines by static typing. This syntax makes compilation easier and faster than dynamic-typed syntax. It is less prone to mistakes and better targets the design platforms.

Also, Java includes a Just-in-time compiler (JIT). This device converts bytecode to native machine code, allowing the generated code to be run directly. This feature largely improves the language’s speed and efficiency. programs. But, maybe fairly lengthy and difficult to comprehend.

Machine Learning

Python is a simple language to learn, and people from various walks of life have found it to be a good fit. They were able to experiment with machine learning. Further, use it in their respective disciplines thanks to Python.

Python was the catalyst for many businesses’ adoption of machine learning. It has a large library and resources. This is being explored and expanded further because of its experience in creating organization-specific machine learning.

Many people believe Java to be a viable alternative. It’s utilized for large-scale operations and enterprise-level systems. Because of features like simple debugging and use. A developer can use the Java libraries Weka, Mallet, Deeplearning4j, and MOA.


Python is a very active programming language. The developer does not have to type in the variables. These can enter during the execution of the program. Thus, it is a simple language, virtually identical to English.

Another feature of the language’s simplicity is that it does not need indentation rules or enclosing brackets. As a result, the language is easy to learn and read.

In this regard, Java is opposite to Python. It has very tight syntax constraints. Hence, requiring you to put in all variables. The program will not execute if there is an error or anomaly in the code.

To define a block or method with several lines. For example, the lines must be between curly brackets. Python, on the other hand, permits indentation when writing blocks with several lines.


If Python is going to take the place of Java soon. When comparing the growth of both beginners engineers, the language has a little advantage. Due to its rising demand in recent years. Nowadays, most occupations can connect with automation and artificial intelligence. Hence, Python is preferred over Java.

If we look at the rise of experienced engineers, we can see that java has dominated over time. Because it has been around for a long time, long before Python became popular. Instead of learning a new language, experienced engineers find it easier to stay in their comfort zone.

Hence, the salary will totally depend upon the skills and expertise you gain in the field you study and learn.


It’s tough to tell one language better than the other after comparing both languages against a range of factors. Although Java is more common, Python is also extensively utilized. The language has been used by people outside the development profession for a variety of organizational objectives. Similarly, while Java is quicker in comparison, Python is superior for longer projects.

Ultimately, it is determined by the sort of software a developer wants to create. It is safe to proceed if you examine the following factors and a language checks most of your boxes. On the other hand, it will be the chosen language for enterprise-level applications.

Python, on the other hand, could be a better choice if you’re just getting started with development.

To get more practical knowledge on this segment, join Python online training at ITGuru.



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