What are the basic concepts of the Power BI service for beginners?

bhanu sri
3 min readMar 2, 2023


The five major structure blocks of Power BI are dashboards, reports, workbooks, datasets, and dataflows. They are all organized into workspaces, and they are created on capacities. It’s important to understand capacities and workspaces before we dig into the five structure blocks, so let’s start there.


Capacities are a core Power BI concept representing a set of coffers( storehouse, processor, and memory) used to host and deliver your Power BI content. Capacities are moreover participated or reserved. A participating capacity is participated with other Microsoft guests, while a reticent capacity is reserved for a single client. Reserved capacities bear a subscription and are completely described in the Managing Premium capacities composition.

By dereliction, workspaces are created in a participating capacity. In the participating capacity, workloads run on computational coffers participated with other guests. As the capacity must partake in coffers, limitations are assessed to insurefair play, similar to the maximum model size( 1 GB) and maximum diurnal refresh frequency( eight times per day).


Workspaces are created on capacities. Basically, they’re holders for dashboards, reports, workbooks, datasets, and dataflows in Power BI. There are two types of workspaces: My workspace and workspaces. My workspace is the particular workspace for any Power BI client to work with their own content. Only you have access to your My workspace. You can partake in dashboards and reports from your MyWorkspace. However, or produce an app, also want to work in a workspace, If you want to unite on dashboards and reports. Workspaces are used to connect and partake in content with associates.

You can add associates to your workspaces and unite on dashboards, reports, workbooks, and datasets. With one exception, each workspace member needs a Power BI Pro or Premium Per stoner( PPU) license. Read further about workspaces. Workspaces are also where you produce, publish, and manage apps for your association. suppose workspaces are staging areas and holders for the content that will make up a Power BI app.

So what’s an app? It’s a collection of dashboards and reports erected to deliver crucial criteria to the Power BI consumers in your association. Apps are interactive, but consumers can not edit them. App consumers, the associates who have access to the apps, do not inescapably need Pro or Premium Per stoner( PPU) licenses.


A dataflow helps associations to unify data from distant sources. They’re voluntary and are frequently used in complex or larger systems. They represent data sets and are offered for use by datasets. Dataflows are surfaced in Power BI Desktop with a devoted connector to enable reporting. When you connect to a dataflow, your dataset can use the preliminarily prepared data and business sense, promoting a single source of the variety and data reusability.

They work the expansive collection of Microsoft data connectors, enabling the ingestion of data from on- demesne and pall- grounded data sources. Dataflows are only created and managed in workspaces( but not My Workspace), and they’re stored as realities in the Common Data Model( CDM) in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.

generally, they are listed to refresh on a recreating base to store over- to- date data. They are great for preparing data for use — and implicit play — by your datasets. For further information, see the tone- service data fix in Power BI composition.


A dataset is a collection of data that you import or connect to. Power BI lets you connect to and import all feathers of datasets and bring all of it together in one place. Datasets can also reference data from dataflows.

Datasets are associated with workspaces and a single dataset can be part of numerous workspaces. When you open a workspace, the associated datasets are listed under the Datasets tab. Each listed dataset is a source of data available for one or further reports, and the dataset may contain data that comes from one or further sources. For illustration, an Excel workbook on OneDrive, or an on- demesne SSAS irregular dataset, or a Salesforce dataset. There are numerous different data sources supported, and we are adding new bones all the time.



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